1. Ask for Certainty
Untuk menanyakan kepastian, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut ini:
* Are you sure?
* Are you sure about it?
* Are you certain about it?
* Are you positive about it?
* Is that definite?
2. Expressing Certainty
Untuk menyampaikan kepastian, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut ini:
*Yes, I'm certain.
* Sure
* I'm absolutely sure
* It's certain that she is a good mechanic
* I'm sure about it
* I'm quite sure that he told the truth
* I'm absolutely sure about the news
* I'm no doubt about it
* I'm absolutely certain that he told the truth
* I'm sure/certain about .....
* I've no doubt about .....
3. Expressing Uncertainty
Untuk menyampaikan ketidakpastian atau keraguan, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut ini:
* Sorry, I'm not sure about it
* I'm not really sure that he told the truth
* I'm not really sure about it
* I'm not too sure about it
* I'm not too sure about .....
* I don't know for sure
* I'm not completely sure that .....
* I'm not a hundred percent sure
* I don't know yet
* Not as far as I know
* I doubt about it
* I couldn't say .....
* There's some doubt in my mind that .....
* I'm afraid I can't be certain about .....
* I'm not convinced about .....
* There's surely some doubt about .....
4. Responding to Uncertainty
Untuk menanggapi keraguan, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut ini:
* I'm a hundred percent certain .....
* You can be sure about .....
* I've no doubt about .....
* It's quite certain .....
* I don't think there can be any doubt about .....
* I'm fairly sure .....
* Everything will be fine .....
* It's all going to be okay
* Don't be worried too much. Next time will be better